Sunday, December 9, 2007


I've been known to have some pretty epicly (which is now a word, gosh darnit) weird dreams. Like when I was five or so, I had a nightmare that I was on a giant pool table and two knights were jousting on it. I, of course being stuck in the middle, got trampled. Nice.

Growing up, I pretty much died in my dreams every night. Also nice. lol Fast forward quite a few years, and we get to the dream where I was being stalked by four ninjas in samurai outfits. Only each Samurinja's armor was one solid color. Red, Blue, Green, and Yellow. Bright bright colors, so of course I could always see them. Now, in the retelling, that's pretty amusing. But when I was dreaming it, I was scared shitless. Running around trying to escape, when I run into my house and everyone's waiting for me throwing a baby shower because APPARENTLY, I'm having a baby AND being stalked by the Primary Color Samurinja Clan.

Now lately, my dreams have either been about work people or skit people. Definetly had a dream that my co-worker Kenny and I were getting married, only Kenny was the one in the wedding dress. lol Then I had a dream that I was getting ready for work and was trying to take a bath before I went. And one of the high school girls I work with was in the bathroom too and apparently she was trying to become a lawyer. That dream is all a little disjointed in my head, but I do remember standing in an over-flowing fountain in the lobby of some building, probably trying to take that bath still. lol And then I couldn't finish it because I had to go to work, which was when my alarm went off. Then there was the dream that I was organizing a big birthday party for Kenny (again with Kenny. lol He wonders why I dream about him so much) and everyone from work showed up except him, and when I gave him crap about it later he was all, "Oh yeah.. uh.. sorry about that. I had a thing.. I forgot. and blah blah blah.."

The skit dreams have actually been ridiculously in character lately too. When the rp was between three of us, I'd have these wierd dreams where characters were switched around and not acting right. But, like the night before last, I had a dream involving a married couple, Beau and Nora. Now, a little backstory, Nora is claustrophobic with a VERY intense fear of elevators. She got stuck in one alone when she was little. She also has the elemental power of light. Beau, her husband, can control electricity. This couple met when Beau was a Junior in high school, and Nora was a sophomore and they basically fell in love instantly. They got married almost as soon as Nora turned 18 and have lived extremely happily ever since.

Now! That's a lot of build-up for a dream, and only Lou would really get the humor. But said couple step into an elevator and it promptly breaks and drops. So Nora's freaking out, and Beau's trying to get them out. So he whips out the powers and tells her to push a button. And when it gets to the floor she pushed, the door's open to a floor being quickly flooded with water ala "Titanic". lol And it's like, every floor they go to takes them to a completely different place. So Nora, who is a little clueless, goes out to explore one of the places just all "Ooo this is interesting!" While Beau's looking around like "Oh this isn't gonna be good..."

So yeah... Not as amusing or interesting for anyone who doesn't know Nora and Beau. NOW! I'm going to end my story time, with my most recent scariest dream ever. Some may laugh and that's fine, but this scared the living crap out of me and when I think about it, it still gives me the willies (Whatever those are).

I was working at a quaint little Bed and Breakfast in the English countryside, which was apparently owned by Angela Lansbury. Now, there had been a murder on the property during the night and instead of calling the cops, Angela's all "The body's down by the lake. Get rid of it, before it upsets the guests. Here take this with you, in case you need anything." And she hands me a walky talky that has a really thick and stiff cord attatched. I think it's ridiculous but I take it anyway and head out into the fog and around the side of the building, which is pretty much all window. So I can see Angela in her office and she can see me, so I talk into the walky, "There's no way this is going to reach all the way." And then the cord promptly rips out of the bottom of the walky and whips back into the room. And there was nothing slo-mo about it, when it just whips into her and kills her. So great. I've just killed Angela Lansbury and I'm just standing there, frozen because it'd all gone by so quickly. Then, as I'm just standing there all "OH SHIT!" She effing POPS BACK UP, completely stiffly and unnaturally and she just stares back at me with red eyes. Then she kind of shambles along the window on the inside towards me, and I'm freaking out and unable to move. Then she just reaches through the window, her hand and arm passing right through the glass, and strangles me.

... Blugh (Insert SIDS :sudden icky dance syndrome: and goosebumps) Seriously effing scary dream....

So, that's the end of story time for now. Sweet dreams everyone. Don't let Angela Lansbury come and kill you through a window!

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