Sunday, January 20, 2008

Countdown time.

Okay, it's not a big deal. But I only have 71 days left as an independant woman. That sounds really melodramatic, but oh well. It's hard to believe, honestly, that the end of March is that soon.

I'm already attempting to pack things up so I can have less work to do come March 31st.

In other news! A group of us went out last night to celebrate a joint birthday. It was completely brilliant, especially since I haven't REALLY gone out for months. We had dinner at Kona Grill.
( ) And ohhh man. The sushi was great. And the company, as well. Our waiter was so adorable, and apparently looked like a mix of Tom Cruise and James Blunt. He was so charming and personable. Well done, Alex! I tipped him well. lol

Then it was off to Comedy Sports ( ) GO CHECK THEM OUT! They are phenomenal! It's a comedy club, but it's all improv. Basically "Whose Line Is It Anyway?" with a sport theme. So the group of us went and drank beer (except Lou lol) and laughed a lot (including Lou).

All in all, it was a really good time, despite being ridiculously cold. I felt a little awkward at times, because there was a couple that I didn't know, but other than that... lol Amy and Tim (the couple) were really nice, so it was really just me being retarded and internally shy.

So now, it's back to business as usual. I've got a full schedule this upcoming week, so that will be nice. Hoping it will help me work through the late January/February blues that I can feel creeping up. There are a lot of things going on in my head right now that I want to express... but I either don't know how, or I'm scared of what would happen if I did. So, I'll be keeping them to myself.

All-in-all, still a good year. I'm keeping my fingers crossed and knocking on wood.


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