Tuesday, December 11, 2007

What a day!

So today had the set-up to be a really bad day. I had to open, which meant a 4:30 alarm, after maybe two and a half hours of sleep. It's been wet and gloomy all day. It's Tuesday. lol Usually these days are crappy.

But man, did my customers come through today! First off, these two folks that come in around 6:30 every morning (whom I adore. The guy's kinda grumpy but funny, and the lady is just the sweetest person you could ever meet.) gave David and I $5 each as a tip/christmas present. lol And hey, after really bad tips last week ($.84/hour) any money is awesome. Then, a couple weeks ago I was talking about how I didn't have a very good ice scraper for my car. So this morning, Rose (who is also amazingly sweet. She always has a smile and a word of encouragement for everyone.) gave me an ice scraper! Alissa, who is a riot, gave us a christmas card, which was awesome, because we love her and it's nice that she thought of us. And last but DEFINETLY not least, "5-shot venti americano" Steve (lol that's how I had to describe him to people afterwards) gave the entire store $100 to split between us all as an early christmas present! I freaked out so hard. lol

The three other people I was working with definetly helped. Opening with David is always nice, because we know each other's routine in the morning. lol We call ourselves Peanut Butter and Jelly. Then Shadday came in at 7, and I just effing love her. We spend most of our time laughing when we work together. And then Shawn, who is a newer shift at the store, is so fun to harrass, because he gives it right back.

So by the end of my shift, I'm getting slap-happy and delirious. And some how the conversation between Shadday and I turns to a discussion of dirty homeless kids (aka street urchins) and how they'd stick people up for cheese. "Hey man. You got STRING cheese?" "I wants me some Kraft Singles! A single's worth two Blow pops now. Man I could really use me some Blow."

lol It was a good end to the day. SO! For anyone who reads this, PASS THE CHEER! Execute a random act of kindness and make someone's would-be crappy day better!


Lou said...

lol So ironic that this happened on a day that kinda sucked for me. But you definitely did pass the cheer, so I appreciate that!

imallfake said...

well i'm not really a working man, kinda trying to be in college, but i think that whatever you should do you should first of all enjoy it.. and since you are having a lot of fun @ work, with your friends and all, why pay attention to all the crap around you, just ignore the pricks(sorry for bad language) and go on with what you're doing... btw.. it's funny that i'm telling you that.. since i'm THE most depressed person in the world :)