Sunday, January 6, 2008

Deep thoughts for 2008

Please ignore this. lol Seriously. It's just me babbling about things I've already babbled about. But this'll be the first time in 2008, so that's my excuse.

Count down to moving back home started this month. Move out date is March 30th. That means, hopefully back to school in the fall. Now, here's my question to the cosmos.

After all the huge stress about paying bills and making rent is gone. After I can start focusing on myself. WHERE do I get motivation? I say I'm going to work my ass off, but I always say that.

I just need the motivation to make myself do it... And maybe this time will be different. I'm not going to be stressing about bills and rent. I'm not going to be working as much... Well... Here's hoping. Right now, I just want to get done.

That wasn't as emo as I thought it would be. lol That's a good sign. I just spent the day watching emotional movies, and usually that puts me in a meloncholy mood, but I'm doing alright.

....I think this is going to be a good year. Here's hoping. Fingers crossed everyone.



Unknown said...

Three cheers for '08! W00T! Bring it you millennium octet. Laura's gonna slap you down with mad motivation.

Does that help at all? haha

Laura said...

lol Yes. Thank you.