Monday, October 29, 2007

Emo Warning!

Emo happens. I basically didn't leave the apartment all day today, which is my own fault and super lame. But I didn't really have anywhere to go, and definetly no one to hang out with. It's becoming apparent how much of a loser I am, recently. That sounds like I'm feeling sorry for myself, and I guess I am, but I only have ONE friend. One person who will be there if I need them. One person I can laugh and be stupid and myself with. And, yeah, that kind of sucks.

Self-image checkpoint: (This isn't me trying to get sympathy. This is truly how I see myself)

We don't even have to get into the physical part.

I'm annoying. I'm boring. I'm not intelligent. I don't have any worthwhile or creative ideas in my head. I don't bring anything to a conversation besides noise. I don't have any deep thoughts. I don't have any insights. I have nothing to say that could be considered thought-provoking. I feel like I try to be funny and fail. I feel like people feel sorry for me, and are nice to me on charity. I feel like an outsider and a satellite.

How do you change things like that? How do you change those thoughts? I mean, I hate how I look, but all that takes is diet and excercise. And patience to do all the cosmetic things girls do. But those thoughts? I could be a size zero and still feel the same way, because the outside isn't the inside. And I feel like I'm surrounded by people who have so much more to offer to a conversation than I do. I don't want to be one of those people who as soon as I've left, everyone goes "What the fuck was that?"

It's getting close to winter, which of course means seasonal depression time. I'm so looking forward to that. And with already feeling like this on top of it? ... I just don't know how to deal with all these emotions. I don't know how to get through everything, when I feel like it's all hopeless. I feel worthless and I don't know how to fix it. And I hate that this is going to fall on that one friend's shoulders. It's a lot to carry, and she's got enough to worry about on her own... But I'm not the kind of person that can go on alone and beat the odds and fuck the world. I need support. I need people who love me, and whom I love, surrounding me. And right now, I don't even feel like I have my family.

My family's never been one where we're all there for each other, no matter what. I wish it was, because that would make all of this better...

I don't know. We'll see how this week goes, I guess. For now. I apologize, Lou, for bringing the emo home.

Saturday, October 27, 2007


Okay! Holy shit you guys! So, just got back from the concert which, after the abysmal opening act, was FUCKING AWESOME! (Lou, almost typed AESOM. I shit you not) Anyone who can, you all need to go see OkGo live in concert because they are phenomenal performers.

Now, to explain the title of this blog. Lou and I are in the process of making a comic. To prepare for this, we role play and act out the stories before hand. Why? Well because one, it helps get genuine reactions to situations. And two? It's just a lot of fun. Anyway. There are multiple bands in this comic, one of which we based off of OkGo. So seeing them live was so great for the comic. Damien (the lead singer) acts almost exactly the way Jude (the comic lead singer) would in the comic.

After all of the extremely loud music, the four of us decided that going someplace for a quiet drink would be nice. So we went to this pub that we like only to find that there was a band playing there. And we got seated right next to it. lol Luckily they were cool about moving us and we ended up spending the next hour drinking and laughing our asses off. Jon was a funny guy and Kelly was just awesome. It was cool because she turned out to be someone that I'd be friends with if I'd just met her somewhere myself.

Now, I'm going to scrape off the make-up and chill. I've got nowhere to be tomorrow, so I can just sleep in and enjoy. You know I was in my pajamas five minutes after I walked in the door. lol

Friday, October 26, 2007


Getting out of the house! lol Lou and I are meeting up with one of her classmates (Jon) and his wife to go see OkGo at Butler University. I like the band a lot, but mostly I'm just stoked to have a reason to dress up and go out. lol

And as for dressing up, I feel very pretty. Haven't done make-up with this new hairstyle yet, and I think it looks great. Maybe there will be cute boys at this concert. lol

So, I'll post more this weekend and tell about the night. Maybe I'll be able to steal some pictures from Lou's camera.

TTFN! (always wanted to say that. Ta-ta for now. lol))

Sunday, October 21, 2007


Alright alright. So I fail at updating every day, but to be honest I don't really have much to say. I'm coming up on my 6 month review at Starbucks, which should go well, unless I've done something monsterous without realizing. 6 month review means a bonus and possible a raise, so keep your fingers crossed, everyone.

I'm already sick of the second job that won't be named. And I mean sick in all meanings of the word. Since I started, I've thrown up and had a pretty constant low-grade fever. How awesomely stupid is that? Blah.

In happier news! The group OkGo is coming to concert this friday. So Lou and I and one of Lou's classmates are going to go. Then coming up after that is one of my former Starbucks co-workers wedding. So that's life for me. Went shopping with Lou all day yesterday, basically trailing after her on her quest for jeans and brown dress shoes. Did laundry and watched an excessive amount of movies today. And then who knows what I'll do tomorrow. Get my tips and sleep, I guess.

So here are my closing thoughts. And I hope everyone has a good week.

From a fortune cookie: "The axe soon forgets, but the tree always remembers."

From the movie "The Holiday":
"I understand feeling as small and as insignificant as humanly possible. And how it can actually ache in places you didn't know you had inside you. And it doesn't matter how many new haircuts you get, or gyms you join, or how many glasses of chardonnay you drink with your girlfriends... you still go to bed every night going over every detail and wonder what you did wrong or how you could have misunderstood. And how in the hell for that brief moment you could think that you were that happy. And sometimes you can even convince yourself that he'll see the light and show up at your door. And after all that, however long all that may be, you'll go somewhere new. And you'll meet people who make you feel worthwhile again. And little pieces of your soul will finally come back. And all that fuzzy stuff, those years of your life that you wasted, that will eventually begin to fade."

Tuesday, October 16, 2007

To Do List, Updated!

Something Lou brought up and I totally agree with.

To do!

Dance with and/or marry Maksim Chmerkovsky. He's one of the proffesional dancers on Dancing with the Stars and OH MY GOD SO HOT! lol

Night all

Well then

I'm trying to post everyday, but there are just going to be days when I don't have anything to say...

This is kind of one of those days, I guess.

It was "Boss Appreciation Day" today. So we had a lot of people coming in and buying gift cards for their bosses. So towards the end of my shift, I was talking about this with Holly, my fellow barista, and a customer who is actually a barista at another store. And we've come to the decision that there should be a National Barista Appreciation Day. It made us laugh, but thinking about it, I think it's a good idea. I mean, there are so many people who depend on their cup of coffee or their Quad Venti Non-fat Extra Hot White Mocha with Light Whip, just to get their day started alright.

And just to show how tired I am, I've totally lost interest in that previous thought. lol I worked both jobs today. So was pretty much on my feet from 5 am to 5 pm. Wooo! Such fun. So now, I'm done typing.

Monday, October 15, 2007

Day Two

First some bitching and moaning, then some inspiration. lol

Alright, first off. When it's 5:00 in the morning, do you really think that your opening barista wants a shit ton of work to do? Especially when it takes the half an hour they get before opening just to get the normal stuff done?

The answer is ABSOLUTELY NO! And I was really surprised this morning when I had every single frappuccino base to make, on top of setting up the pastry case, brewing coffee (hot and iced), making tea, setting up the bar, etc. etc. etc. On top of THAT I was working with a new shift manager who doesn't really know the routine we openers have at my store, so I ended up doing the majority of the opening tasks myself.

So okay, for a monday morning? That kind of sucked. Luckily it turned out to be a pretty slow day, and a short one for me anyway.

Now moving on! This weekend I went to a family reunion. Blah blah blah, lots of old people I didn't know and feeling awkward. AFTER that, David, Lou and I went met up to go see "Across the Universe". Which is a new musical out, using only Beatles songs. It was pretty brilliant, and I had to go out and buy the soundtrack the next day. So! If anyone reads this, go see "Across the Universe"! It's an interesting movie, and definetly enjoyable if you like the Beatles.

Now, for the Inspiration part. I got this little speech from a customer. He'd gone in to speak to his daughter's econ club, and gave us the speech after he'd finished. And I really liked it, so I'm going to share with all two people who will probably read this.

Imagine there is a bank account that credits your account each morning with $86,400. It carries over no balance from day to day.
Every evening the bank deletes whatever part of the balance you failed to use during the day. What would you do? Draw out every cent, of course?
Each of us has such a bank. It's name is TIME.
Every morning, it credits you with 86,400 seconds.
Every night it writes off as lost, whatever of this you have failed to invest to a good purpose.
It carries over no balance. It allows no over draft. Each day it opens a new account for you. Each night it burns the remains of the day.
If you fail to use the day's deposits, the loss is yours. There is no drawing against "tomorrow."
You must live in the present on today's deposits. Invest it so as to get from it the utmost in health, happiness and success!
The clock is running! Make the most of today.

To realise the value of ONE YEAR, ask a student who failed a grade.

To realise the value of ONE MONTH, ask a mother who has given birth to a premature baby.

To realise the value of ONE WEEK, ask the editor of a weekly newspaper.

To realise the value of ONE HOUR, ask the lovers who are waiting to meet.

To realise the value of ONE MINUTE, ask a person who just missed a train.

To realise the value of ONE SECOND, ask someone who just avoided an accident.

To realise the value of ONE MILLISECOND, ask the person who won a silver medal at the Olympics.

Treasure every moment that you have. And treasure it more because you shared it with someone special, special enough to spend your time with. And remember time waits for no one.

Yesterday is history. Tomorrow is a mystery. Today is a gift. That's why it's called the present.

Sunday, October 14, 2007

Oh Look! A Bandwagon!

Let's JUMP on it!

I got tired of my livejournal. So here I am at Blogger.


My name is Laura. I'm 22 and a cancer and I'm pretty sure I like long walks on the beach. I haven't done that in a very long time, so who knows. I might hate it now.

If the title of my blog doesn't clue you in, I'm also one of the many (but still proud) baristas at Starbucks. Despite the crappy hours and the plastered on grin and the "How ARE you this lovely 5:45 in the morning?!", I do enjoy my job. I'm lucky to have a lot of really awesome regular customers at my store.

When I'm not at Starbucks (or my second job which is retarded and not even worth talking about here), I'm trying to gear up to head back to college. College and I have had a pretty turbulent on again/off again relationship since I graduated from high school in 2003. It just takes and takes and takes, and doesn't give me much in return but promises that it'll be worth it in the end. So this last time around I found myself with no money, failing grades and a somewhat irate roommate.

So, I'm taking time off until my roommate (who will be henceforth known as "Lou") and I's lease runs out in May. Then it's back to my mother's house and back into a committed relationship with College.

What promises does college hold for me, you may ask? Well I'm gonna tell ya! A bachelor's of science in Informatics! "What the hell does THAT mean, Laura the barista?!" I hear you all cry in frustrated curiosity. Well, kids. Let Auntie Laura the Barista tell you. It means all sorts of things! But specifically for me, it means that maybe, if I'm lucky and work really hard, I'll someday get to work in the movies and make sound effects.

Sarcasm aside, that is really want I want to do "when I grow up". Foley would be fun, but I'd also like to be the one that designs new sounds. Here's the example I always use. In the movie "Lord of the Rings" they had a large amount of fantastical creatures such as cave trolls and goblins and the like. Now Cave Trolls and Goblins don't really exist. Or if they do, they weren't cooperative enough to come out and be shot at and killed so they could get realistic sounds for the movie. So what do they do? For a wounded and dying Cave Troll, they took the sound of a walrus roar and a couple other sounds and they mixed them together on the computer. Lo and Behold! We have that wonderfully tragic sound you hear in the theatres while you're shoveling popcorn. THAT is what I want to do.

A lot of people ask me if that is what I've always wanted to do. The answer is Immediately no. Through the last part of middle school and all of high school, I wanted to be a singer. So now you know. I am a singer. I'm trained in classical and opera, which I do enjoy, but I also love jazz and broadway. At the end of this post, I'm going to be writing a list of things I want to do and learn in my life, but that's for later. Anyway, straight out of high school I went to college with a major of Performing Arts. I'm a good singer. Hell, I'm a GREAT singer. And for those who know me, you know it's taken me a long time to get to the point where I can admit that. But being a performance major, was and IS not for me. I don't think you will EVER meet a group of more blood-thirsty individuals, pageant contestant's excluded. In general, I'm a pretty chill lady. I like hearing other people sing. I enjoy collaborations. I don't think that my voice is God's gift to the world, nor do I think that I'm better than everyone else. And in that degree, you have to think that way. So, I dropped out of that school and came home to make some money. After a year or so, Lou clued me in on a track of her major and I got hooked. So here I am.

The making money part of my life, hasn't been a success obviously. And like I said before, college and I are on tenuous terms most of the time. But here's hoping.

So for now, I've got work and work and more work.

-----------BEGIN EMO WHINE PART! You have been warned---------------------------------

I'm tired. I'm stressed. And I want a FUCKING break. There. I said it. You'd be shocked at how much scraping pennies can ruin your life. Living paycheck by paycheck is the worst. It hurts me. It hurts my roommate. And it hurts my family.

And mostly, I just wish I had someone I could let that all out to. I can get through all the crap that's coming for the next seven months. I know I can. But god dammit, it's going to suck. And I'm going to want and need to bitch and moan about it. But everytime I do, it seems like EVERYONE is telling me to get over it and stop whining. "Things could be so much worse, Laura! Stop complaining and have a positive outlook on life."

This is the wrong thing to say, people. Why? Because then I want to slap you and tell you to go fuck yourself. You wanna know why? Because the people who say that, are people who are much better off than me and think they're being "helpful".

I'm lucky in one fashion because I at least have one escape. Lou and I are "working on a comic". I put that in quotes because it hasn't actually happened yet, and there's really no sign of it happening anytime in the next few months. But in order to get ready for the time that it actually happens, we act all of our stories out. Roleplaying. So I get to be all these different characters who are MUCH better off than I am, and therefore happier. It's nice to pretend to be someone who is prettier, smarter, and just generally better off.

So, I'm tired and stressed. Mostly tired right now. And just itching to run away. To go somewhere new and start a new life. But, I've got more than a few things tying me down here, so that will have to wait until graduation in a few billion years.

-------------------------End whiny emo part--------------------------------

And now! My list of things I want to do and learn before I die:

-Play the violin
-Play the tin whistle
-Learn to Step dance, ballroom dance, tap dance and pretty much any other dance out there.
-Weigh 170 lbs.
-Learn to cook really really well
-Learn French, Japanese, and Italian.
-Own an Aston Martin
-Spend time in Ireland
-Live in Scotland and/or England
-Release an album
-Sing on Broadway/West End
-Be a voice actress in a Miyazaki film
-Fall in love, get married, and have kids