Sunday, October 14, 2007

Oh Look! A Bandwagon!

Let's JUMP on it!

I got tired of my livejournal. So here I am at Blogger.


My name is Laura. I'm 22 and a cancer and I'm pretty sure I like long walks on the beach. I haven't done that in a very long time, so who knows. I might hate it now.

If the title of my blog doesn't clue you in, I'm also one of the many (but still proud) baristas at Starbucks. Despite the crappy hours and the plastered on grin and the "How ARE you this lovely 5:45 in the morning?!", I do enjoy my job. I'm lucky to have a lot of really awesome regular customers at my store.

When I'm not at Starbucks (or my second job which is retarded and not even worth talking about here), I'm trying to gear up to head back to college. College and I have had a pretty turbulent on again/off again relationship since I graduated from high school in 2003. It just takes and takes and takes, and doesn't give me much in return but promises that it'll be worth it in the end. So this last time around I found myself with no money, failing grades and a somewhat irate roommate.

So, I'm taking time off until my roommate (who will be henceforth known as "Lou") and I's lease runs out in May. Then it's back to my mother's house and back into a committed relationship with College.

What promises does college hold for me, you may ask? Well I'm gonna tell ya! A bachelor's of science in Informatics! "What the hell does THAT mean, Laura the barista?!" I hear you all cry in frustrated curiosity. Well, kids. Let Auntie Laura the Barista tell you. It means all sorts of things! But specifically for me, it means that maybe, if I'm lucky and work really hard, I'll someday get to work in the movies and make sound effects.

Sarcasm aside, that is really want I want to do "when I grow up". Foley would be fun, but I'd also like to be the one that designs new sounds. Here's the example I always use. In the movie "Lord of the Rings" they had a large amount of fantastical creatures such as cave trolls and goblins and the like. Now Cave Trolls and Goblins don't really exist. Or if they do, they weren't cooperative enough to come out and be shot at and killed so they could get realistic sounds for the movie. So what do they do? For a wounded and dying Cave Troll, they took the sound of a walrus roar and a couple other sounds and they mixed them together on the computer. Lo and Behold! We have that wonderfully tragic sound you hear in the theatres while you're shoveling popcorn. THAT is what I want to do.

A lot of people ask me if that is what I've always wanted to do. The answer is Immediately no. Through the last part of middle school and all of high school, I wanted to be a singer. So now you know. I am a singer. I'm trained in classical and opera, which I do enjoy, but I also love jazz and broadway. At the end of this post, I'm going to be writing a list of things I want to do and learn in my life, but that's for later. Anyway, straight out of high school I went to college with a major of Performing Arts. I'm a good singer. Hell, I'm a GREAT singer. And for those who know me, you know it's taken me a long time to get to the point where I can admit that. But being a performance major, was and IS not for me. I don't think you will EVER meet a group of more blood-thirsty individuals, pageant contestant's excluded. In general, I'm a pretty chill lady. I like hearing other people sing. I enjoy collaborations. I don't think that my voice is God's gift to the world, nor do I think that I'm better than everyone else. And in that degree, you have to think that way. So, I dropped out of that school and came home to make some money. After a year or so, Lou clued me in on a track of her major and I got hooked. So here I am.

The making money part of my life, hasn't been a success obviously. And like I said before, college and I are on tenuous terms most of the time. But here's hoping.

So for now, I've got work and work and more work.

-----------BEGIN EMO WHINE PART! You have been warned---------------------------------

I'm tired. I'm stressed. And I want a FUCKING break. There. I said it. You'd be shocked at how much scraping pennies can ruin your life. Living paycheck by paycheck is the worst. It hurts me. It hurts my roommate. And it hurts my family.

And mostly, I just wish I had someone I could let that all out to. I can get through all the crap that's coming for the next seven months. I know I can. But god dammit, it's going to suck. And I'm going to want and need to bitch and moan about it. But everytime I do, it seems like EVERYONE is telling me to get over it and stop whining. "Things could be so much worse, Laura! Stop complaining and have a positive outlook on life."

This is the wrong thing to say, people. Why? Because then I want to slap you and tell you to go fuck yourself. You wanna know why? Because the people who say that, are people who are much better off than me and think they're being "helpful".

I'm lucky in one fashion because I at least have one escape. Lou and I are "working on a comic". I put that in quotes because it hasn't actually happened yet, and there's really no sign of it happening anytime in the next few months. But in order to get ready for the time that it actually happens, we act all of our stories out. Roleplaying. So I get to be all these different characters who are MUCH better off than I am, and therefore happier. It's nice to pretend to be someone who is prettier, smarter, and just generally better off.

So, I'm tired and stressed. Mostly tired right now. And just itching to run away. To go somewhere new and start a new life. But, I've got more than a few things tying me down here, so that will have to wait until graduation in a few billion years.

-------------------------End whiny emo part--------------------------------

And now! My list of things I want to do and learn before I die:

-Play the violin
-Play the tin whistle
-Learn to Step dance, ballroom dance, tap dance and pretty much any other dance out there.
-Weigh 170 lbs.
-Learn to cook really really well
-Learn French, Japanese, and Italian.
-Own an Aston Martin
-Spend time in Ireland
-Live in Scotland and/or England
-Release an album
-Sing on Broadway/West End
-Be a voice actress in a Miyazaki film
-Fall in love, get married, and have kids

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