Saturday, October 27, 2007


Okay! Holy shit you guys! So, just got back from the concert which, after the abysmal opening act, was FUCKING AWESOME! (Lou, almost typed AESOM. I shit you not) Anyone who can, you all need to go see OkGo live in concert because they are phenomenal performers.

Now, to explain the title of this blog. Lou and I are in the process of making a comic. To prepare for this, we role play and act out the stories before hand. Why? Well because one, it helps get genuine reactions to situations. And two? It's just a lot of fun. Anyway. There are multiple bands in this comic, one of which we based off of OkGo. So seeing them live was so great for the comic. Damien (the lead singer) acts almost exactly the way Jude (the comic lead singer) would in the comic.

After all of the extremely loud music, the four of us decided that going someplace for a quiet drink would be nice. So we went to this pub that we like only to find that there was a band playing there. And we got seated right next to it. lol Luckily they were cool about moving us and we ended up spending the next hour drinking and laughing our asses off. Jon was a funny guy and Kelly was just awesome. It was cool because she turned out to be someone that I'd be friends with if I'd just met her somewhere myself.

Now, I'm going to scrape off the make-up and chill. I've got nowhere to be tomorrow, so I can just sleep in and enjoy. You know I was in my pajamas five minutes after I walked in the door. lol

1 comment:

Lou said...

ROCK! I'm totally posting pictures and video once I get home. Their little karate commercial bit was priceless! I just want to hug all of them.