Tuesday, October 16, 2007

Well then

I'm trying to post everyday, but there are just going to be days when I don't have anything to say...

This is kind of one of those days, I guess.

It was "Boss Appreciation Day" today. So we had a lot of people coming in and buying gift cards for their bosses. So towards the end of my shift, I was talking about this with Holly, my fellow barista, and a customer who is actually a barista at another store. And we've come to the decision that there should be a National Barista Appreciation Day. It made us laugh, but thinking about it, I think it's a good idea. I mean, there are so many people who depend on their cup of coffee or their Quad Venti Non-fat Extra Hot White Mocha with Light Whip, just to get their day started alright.

And just to show how tired I am, I've totally lost interest in that previous thought. lol I worked both jobs today. So was pretty much on my feet from 5 am to 5 pm. Wooo! Such fun. So now, I'm done typing.

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