Friday, March 14, 2008

Wow Starbucks

This certainly turned out to be an "Oh My God" day at work. It doesn't sound like a big deal, but it was kind of cool for me. We had a celebrity sighting at work. lol It was Subway Jared! Woooo! I just kind of stared for a second before going and getting his coffee. It's a really weird experience, seeing someone on tv, then seeing them in person...

Then, this completely adorable guy comes in and gets coffee. And it turns out he's not from the U.S. because he just pointed to a quarter and asked how much it was worth. lol So I asked where he was from and it turns out his from southern Brazil and he's an Indycar driver. I'm just really hoping he wasn't a famous one, because if so, I made myself look like an ass.

Stephen Hilbert (yeah that one) is also one of our regulars in addition to a lot of the Fox 59 crew, since Fox is right behind our building.

I never know if I'm seeing someone famous... Guess they're all just customers to me.

lol oh well. Back to being bored.

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