Wednesday, December 12, 2007


Just woke up after another opening. Man... I seriously woke up and I kind of looked out the window and just thought, "Huh.. it must be early still. Haven't Lou start the shower yet."

....Yeah that's one thing I hate about opening. lol I always end up sleeping and it's always really disorienting. And I always have the wierder dreams during siesta time.

So dream talk:

Everyone was telling me "Oh man. We don't know if Lou and your brother (david) are going to make it..." And I'm freaking out, because I have no idea what's happened. So I call Lou and she tells me that they've been in a car accident, but she's going to be fine. whew... So for some reason I'm going out with friends to a japanese resteraunt called "Midori" and people from high school are there and being assholes. And there's this girl, Heather, that's near by and she's just talking really loudly and being rude. So I'm like... covering her mouth and trying to get her to be quiet. And she just LICKS my Hand! How mature. lol But that just pisses me off so I start just... trying to hurt her. And all she does is laugh. And I just freak out and collapse on the floor and cry, because apparently I'm still worried about Lou and David. Then this guy comes up and kneels next to me and says, "I need to talk to you about your brother's dead children." But all I here really is "Your brother's dead." and I flip out even more until he explains. In which I calm down immediately and say "Oh my brothers don't have kids. They haven't even dated anyone." lol Next thing I know I'm at a table with another couple and David James Elliott from JAG fame. Look him up. He's preeeeetty. So I got to hold hands and cuddle with him. (insert only good part of the dream. lol)

Then somehow, I'm barefoot in Chicago, shoplifting from a really nice store. And I get back out to my car and I'm trying to start it, when this girl gets in. I just stare at her and say, "Um... this is the wrong car.. " She just waves her hand and says, "Oh I know. I'm trying to find reception. " Like it'd be in my car. lol "Actually could you do me a favor? Could you e-mail me a list of places to go in Key West? My names Becca. You can use my phone, since I have another one." Giggle, hair-toss, and hands me a lime green phone. I just look at the phone and go ".... Okay..."

And then I wake up and think that it's Thursday! Woooo... busy day. lol

Anyway, that's all for now. Gotta start the calls for the weekly meeting of the Galliher Clan.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

That's just about completely bizarre. Congratulations.