Tuesday, December 4, 2007

Have Yourself a Merry Little Christmas

What is it about being an adult that both ruins and enhances vacations? I don't know. All I do know is that I'm going to Colorado for a week and on one hand, I'm stoked that I'll have a week free of green aprons and the dreaded espresso machine. And on the other I'm worried, because that's a week of no income. Blaaaaaah. Hopefully I'll be getting money mostly for Christmas. That will help supplement a little.

It doesn't feel like 21 days until Christmas. It feels like it should still be October, or something.

On a completely unrelated and slightly psychotic sounding note. Today, I just got the strongest feeling that the life I'm living just isn't mine. I have a lot of these "Out of place" experiences. More and more in the past year. When I tell people that, they usually look at me like I'm crazy, but what can ya do? Maybe it's just discontentment with where I am in life right now. But, it's almost like I know I should be doing something else. I just don't know what that something else is.

lol Okay, so I'm unhappy with my lot in life right now. Let's chalk it up to that.

Shut up, crazy lady, and move on.

Well, I'm actually considering making a demo reel of some voice acting and singing. Colin brought it up once, and as always it struck a chord.

So cross your fingers all two people who will read this.

Now I'm off. Cheers.

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